FL Price

FL Price

Opening development, team selection, revenue programs and sales

Strive for excelence

Avoid the stress and mistakes

Opening your much-anticipated family entertainment destination can be a joyful milestone or an anxious, stressful time, with serious potential for long-term disastrous results. The process of opening or expanding a multi-tasked business is overwhelming for even experienced operators. Your concept may be well thought out, researched, and placed in an area starving for family entertainment. You have invested your time, energy, and adequate money to meet the needs of your market without compromise. But throw that all out the window, if the guest enters your business for the first time and is dissatisfied or their perception of their visit did not justify the value of their time or what they paid.

Why backtrack when you can start off right?

Invaluable Feature

Avoid pitfalls

Everything from that point on is damage control, clean up, catch up, and trying to convince them to give you another chance. FL Price will assist in this early process to eliminate the operational pitfalls. His expertise, experience and proven results will assist you in eliminating future frustrations and give your new business a healthy start for long-term sustainable growth and profitability.

Scope of work


Goal: Develop the systems and training to perpetuate a premium business offering that aligns with all stakeholders’ vision and the business plan. Organize and facilitate the opening team selection and training, while training your management and future trainers, for a smooth and profitable opening and ongoing operation. 

Guest Experience Development & Training

Experience-driven businesses focus on differentiating themselves by enhancing their offerings with more meaningful, interactive, and emotionally engaging experiences. This allows them to position themselves as high-quality, high-value, and unique brands that reflect the personality and preferences of the new millennial market. Millennials place a greater emphasis on intangible people experiences over average or below-average transactional businesses. As the size of the family market compresses, experience-driven businesses that provide memorable, shareable, and community-building experiences are thriving, while more traditional transactional models struggle to keep up with evolving consumer demands.

Customized Revenue Center(s) Program Development & Training Birthday Parties, Adult Events and Holiday Events

The intangible elements of amusement business revenue centers, like birthday parties, group, adult and holiday events are optimized when they are more human interactive, engaging and personalized. Traditional, outdated, non-relevant concepts without unique delivery, blend with all the other options and become a commodity brand, competing for the same consumer, where price and location
are the chosen variables.

Sales of Key Revenue Programs Development & Training

High-performance sales cultures are mindful about generating the behaviors in salespeople that enhance the relationship between the customer and the business. These successful cultures believe that it’s the relationship, not the product or service (where novelty wears off) that drives the single sale, but also repeat sales to follow. Inbound and outbound CRM data base capture, management and accountable at opening will produce sustainable results.

Employee Recruiting, Hiring & Training System Family destination employee recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining system

Recruiting and hiring has become one of the greatest challenges to service-based business. Relevant leadership and a young workforce with great attitudes, energy, enthusiasm and a personality, gives real meaning to your business. FL Price will deliver proven systems, and everything needed to recruit, hire, train, retain personality perfect managers and employees that become known as the place with great people, who really care and have the desire to serve your guest as if they were family.

Training On-site and Ongoing Training Modules (Frank Price)

Recruiting and hiring has become one of the greatest challenges to service-based businesses. Relevant leadership, defined culture and system to duplicate outside of the traditional approach is now critical to perpetual hiring of great personalities and high performers.

Let's start a conversation

Other Specific Consulting, Development And Training Available

Guest Experience
development & training

Experience destinations are crafted to cater to the preferences of modern families. Pioneering these experiences involves shaping businesses to embody a unique brand, reflecting the character of the market and fostering an emotional connection with guests.

Parties, Groups,
& Sales Optimization

Enhance the success of your amusement business by optimizing the intangible aspects of your key revenue streams, such as birthday parties, group, adult, and holiday events. Our personalized and engaging approach ensures that these elements are human interactive.

Hiring Personality
Systems & new tools

At FL Price, we understand the vital role of leadership and a dynamic, enthusiastic workforce in driving the success of your business. Our proven systems and comprehensive support will help you attract, recruit, train, and retain top-tier managers and employees.

FEC Outbound
Sales System

The FL Price outbound sales system is defined as ongoing relationship sales, perpetual communication, scrubbing down lists, utilizing CRM technology and communicating only to those who fit your customer persona through a gravity funnel methodology.