Let’s say your business market is like a goldfish bowl. And your business is a goldfish. There are many goldfish swimming around in your bowl. They all act the same. They all look the same and swim after the same food. Everyone in the bowl fights over the same food, but the food allows you to grow, prosper, and survive. The problem…the food supply is shrinking. Only some of the goldfish are going to get enough to survive. Usually the youngest (newest), because they are the strongest, can outlast the tired and the weak. The bowl gets dirtier faster and requires more time, attention, and labor to keep it up. And then there’s having to deal with the fallout from all those deceased fish floating around.
You can kind of see it in the distance, there’s another bowl, and it’s less crowded. As everyone around you is frantically swimming in search of food. JUMP! Take the leap of faith to the unfamiliar opposite, where so few have ventured. But you don’t, because FEAR holds you back!
When you get there, you start swimming, enjoying the solitude, not to mention everyone is watching and talking about you. There isn’t as much food, but that’s OK. The food you are getting is really, really good and you’re the only one eating. Take note, for you to continue to be fed, you must be worth the effort of the feeder. You must be better or more unique to get noticed and continue to swim alone. Are you unique, special, and capable of doing tricks? Then people will start talking about how different you are. They’ll call you the contrarian, the pioneer, the visionary, or just Nuts. “Stay the course, It’s more FUN.” Innovators of any industry become the premier brand, with slower, but steady long-term growth and profit. Which bowl do you choose to swim? You are in control of your own destiny.