FL Price

Experience Destination Scope of Work

Experience Destination Complete Development-Training-Follow up Scope of Work


Phase I – Discovery

Service Culture

FL Price will review and define current service culture, vision, core beliefs and operational standards and include virtual support to assist client in the development or redevelopment of deficient areas.


Mastering Guest Service Tasks

·          Establish service theme & core service beliefs (owner/executives) 

·          Create simple way to communicate service theme (elevator speech)

·          Create a service vision story (virtual support with electronic template provided)

·          Define operating service standards & service recovery parameters – (performance agreement template provided)

·          Sensory audit of current or future environment – resolve to standard (template provided)

·          Capture best practices, client will record their current or desired standard on a service journey plan for each guest touch point.   Guest service journey task plan defines service task and standard from entry to exit.  – FLP will assist in writing and elevate service touch points while eliminating service leaks.

·          Define and establish two way communication systems (guest and employee) for continual improvement.  FLP will provide quality service measurement concepts and recommendations.

·          Create Quality Service Measuring device (FLP will provide concepts and recommendations, VOC template provided)


On-site training Living service the basics  (4 hours) 2 sessions all staff

·          Living service the basics – training on site – entire team (4 hours)

o         Service foundation – understanding why – owners core service beliefs & vision

o         Everyone has a part – performance agreement

o         Understanding and living the service journey task plan

o         Getting beyond customer service

o         Creating “WOW”

o         Adding intangible value everyday


Phase II

Develop and Implement an Opening Team Selection Program

Selection based on matching personality temperament preference and proper placement. 

·          Management assessment and team development search, sift and select system and process manual

·          Personality temperament assessment test and interpretation

·          Management roles and job descriptions balanced and defined by specific personality temperaments

·          Grand opening recruiting and perpetual hiring system

o         Performance agreement template (electronic)

o         Job fair task sheet – FLP virtual support training

o         Step by step process manual with virtual support

o         Games/activities/forms/letters

o         Try out training – FLP 1.5 day site visit for first tryout to facilitate and train trainer

·          On site visit to perform and train tryout concept (three tryouts) and assist with evaluation                 

·          Ongoing training system and HR retention task sheet for your future trainers

·          Development of custom video clips for future visual training (client provides raw video)


Phase III

Key Revenue Mass Customized Written Process Manuals For Parties & Events

(Games, interaction and scripts based on custom attractions)

·          Children’s parties (50 -70 pages)                                                                                 

·          Tween/teen parties (20pages)

·          Corporate/Adult group parties and events (30 pages)


Additional Reference Manualsbirthday girl excited

Children’s Birthday Parties Reference Manuals

·          Party Celebration Room Games Manual (30 pages) (hard copy and electronic versions)

·          Party Magic Manual and Scripts (15 pages) (hard copy and electronic versions)

·          Party Booking Script (2 pages) (hard copy and electronic versions)

·          Party / Group Program Tools and Resources (hard copy only)

Adult Group Reference Manuals

·          Corporate Group Events /Adult Party Celebrations Game Reference Manuals

·          Group Holiday Events Manual (20 pages) (hard copy only)

·          Team Building / Creative Meeting Manual (20 pages) (hard copy only)

·          Group Events Sales System and Marketing Manual (23 pages) (hard copy only)

Phase IV

Installation Training (total 3 days on site – 21 training hours on site)

·          Installation and training of party / group event system to the opening team

o         Client produces final manuals, provides prizes, meeting space and screen

·          Management / marketing / party supervisors / train the future trainer training (3 hours)

·             Party marketing / booking agent training  –  (2 hours)

·             Corporate events and facilitator training (4 hours)

·             Opening party team training – two evening sessions (total 9 hours)

o         Training  Style: Lecture, live demonstration, role play and practice training

o         Party team practice training (3 hours)


Phase V

Becoming An Experience Destination (relationships, personalizing, adding emotional moments and meaning)


·          Elevate the vision story to an experience destination level (FLP will elevate the vision story to the experience destination level)

·          Reevaluate the setting – “Five Sensing” the environment (template provided)

·          FLP will write an Experience Journey Map – emotion points and meaning are matched to the brand personality

·          Elevate current operating standards (FLP virtual support assistance)

·          Department training manuals supplemented with experiential concepts (FLP virtual support assistance)

·          Measurement and continual improvement methods elevated

·          Two days site visit training: Train entire team and future trainers

·          Electronic template files for final customization by client with virtual support


Phase VIfamily walking out

·          Ongoing Consultation (5 hours per week)

·          Follow up evaluation and continued training

·          Experience Destination Video training clips developed


“It’s what they’re saying when they walk out that counts!”   Was it worth it?